Monday, April 16, 2012

Random spots from the weekend

Well I finally made it to the holy grail of blogland.
Sorry to say I didn't take any pictures of the inside.   I must say for this girl it was a bit over whelming..anything I could imagine was here..everything I can imagine is here,,,,and then some.
It was just too much...would need a whole day to spend there...but amazing all the same.

Got this suitcase for my upcoming trip.  I just love the colour.

Took a weekend trip to Wilson NY to visit these folks...Betty and Chuck.

Took Betty's daughter Carolyn with me...kept calling her "Hop a long" as she tore a muscle in her calf...not sure she thought that was funny...haha but i did.

I have a strict  no pictures of me policy...someone wasn't listening..  See behind me they used oars as a room divider..was actually kind of neat.
Had dinner Fri. night at this restaurant in Olcott  Beach...The Lighthouse...We all had the fish being Friday and all. Wish I had taken a pic of it...the fish was bigger than the plate ...and so good. I can not believe how big the fish servings are in the states..its 4 times the size of the ones here in Canada and costs half the price.

This is down by Lake is very beautiful this side of the Canada it is all built up with citys..not as nice a here where it is dotted with small towns.

This store was closed and I took this picture from the window ...will have to come back for sure.
Then it was off to the Sally Anne for some serious shopping.

Why oh why did I not get these dishes...3.00...again I say WHY?

 this would look good with a coat of paint.

I was shadowing betty taking random shots of her...haha

She bought these mugs for her hot chocolate...she only looks mad cause people in the store where looking wondering why I was taking pictures...You should of seen her face when I said I was putting them on my blog....haha

And here is what I bought for .59  Now why I would want American themed christmas ornaments is a mystery even to me....but I do love all things American ...even though I am Scottish born and living in Canada...go figure.
All in all a good time was the good old U S of A.
Till next time, Frances


  1. Love the suitcase and your right, why didnt you get those plates for only $3! Never fails that you look back and wish you had bought something. xoxo R

  2. Okay--there is a reason you and I are now friends--My living room, here in North Carolina, is filled with Trisha Romance paintings! I have the Niagara Home Bakery, the Evening Skaters, and Nursery Rhymes. They have cost me a bazillion dollars (US), but I don't care! N-O-T-L is my favorite place in all the world, and my husband and I spent nearly a week there last summer. (And I grew up in one of those "cute little towns" on the lake, in the states.

    1. Wow I didn't think anyone outside Canada had heard of her..ironically she is American..Well welcome to my blog. I dont do a lot of posting,,,but I am trying to do more.
      I will do a post on my Trisha Romance prints....especially the one I bought at auction last year for peanuts.
      Guess you don't really wanna hear that then.
      Take care Frances

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